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Axle weighbridges for reliable weighing per truck axle


There is a worldwide concern regarding the damage that overloaded trucks cause to the roads, with axle weighing scales the overburden per axle or gross oveburden can be avoided. The axle weighbridges are economical solutions providing fast and accurate results on axle and gross weight.

We provide you axle weighing systems that can be customized to your requirements by using a wide range of options including external printers, data storage devices, computer links and automatic vehicle ID (Please browse through ourWeighing Equipment section for more information).

In Ground Axle Scale

Fast and accurate axle and gross weight information for all vehicle types from light vans to the heaviest multi-axle vehicles.

In Motion Axle Weigher

The system weights any vehicle up to 30Ton/axle ‘in motion’ at speeds up to 10 km/h. Portable;Simple to install and relocate.

Group Axle Weighbridge

Ideal for large multi-axle and articulated vehicles. Useful in eliminating risk of fines

Mining Truck Axle Scale

Portable system consisting of individual weigh pads which measure the load on each wheel of a dump truck dynamically or statically.


Cretan - Scales
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